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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Technical Debt

Technical debt is a metaphor referring to the eventual consequences of poor system design, also known as design debt or code debt. Every project is going to have some form of technical debt no matter what and there are several ways you get there. You can create technical debt advertently or inadvertently.
I know but I need to ship it soon
Advertently Created Technical debt is when you know that you are creating technical debt. One very common argument is the need to ship the product quickly in order to get to the market first. If we don't ship our product in time then there is a risk of losing the market to competition. So we pay more attention to getting out the product early and compromise on quality assuming that once shipped we will get back to getting the quality right. There are circumstances where this is a valid argument and a good development team will have a plan to reduce debt once the product is released.
I know but I don't care
There is a case where applications are built without paying attention to design or quality. The teams knows that it is not right and debt is being built but rather care less. The common arguments to this approach is "We don't have time for all this", "Our product owner will not allow this","We have to get this done even if quality is compromised", "This is how we have been doing it", "If it ain't broken why fix it" etc...This is commonly seen in projects that have started using scrum. The goal is to go fast and faster, or to get things done. The wrong metric is used to measure progress. Focus is on burned down charts and micromanagement of tasks and most likely the result of work done at the end of sprint is not release ready without a hardening or testing sprint. This is a very naive approach where the team does not understand that doing agile or scrum does not bring agility. The true value of agile comes when you are able to ship a product with quality at the end of a sprint. If you cant do that you are doing it wrong.If you can't ship your product at the end of a sprint with quality typical one week or a maximum of four weeks then you are not AGILE. Sadly this is the most commonly seen way of creating debt.
I don't know what I am doing
There are inadvertent ways in which you can still create debt into your code. One is when you have a relatively less experienced team trying there best unknowingly creating a mess. Teams new to Test Driven Development probably focus on the basic aspects of TDD and not fully utilizing design insights to refactor code to patterns. The same issue when applying the wrong patterns to a problem without realizing the same. These teams probably need training, a Technical mentor and probably adopt pair programming and code review sessions to come up with better solutions. Not realizing the maturity level of the teams and not providing appropriate training and mentor ship can lead progress in the wrong path. By the time the team realizes about the technical debt acquired it will probably be late.
I didn't know how I was supposed to do it at the time
There is one more pattern of creating inadvertent debt is a case when the domain of the business itself was complex that the evolution of understanding of the business was not reflected in the code. This is the typical case where the team feels "If I knew what I know now at the beginning of the project I probably would have built it in a different way". Most projects even with a lot of talent and practices could still get into technical debt in this way due to the complexity of the domain and gap in understanding the requirements. This could also happen if the requirements changed over time for the right reasons. 
To sum up, no matter what you do you are going to have technical debt build up in the process and you are going to have a strategy to deal with it. The best way to ensure managing technical debt is to make sure you are keeping you design flexible to change and have a  suite of tests to manage your features and code so that you can constantly refactor to update you code and design to reflect your current understanding of the system and tools.
Good pragmatic practices including Acceptance Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design along with Test Driven Development and constant refactoring and using all the feedback loops appropriately to build a culture of learning and reacting to change is a good way to go. 
The only people who know and see technical debt are the folks who write the code. Its very difficult to convince anyone outside the development team. The only way to get rid of technical debt is to constantly refactor code while developing code in a smart way. It is the responsibility of the developer to keep the code base clean and maintainable by applying all the pragmatic practices suitable to the project situation. Caving in to reasoning's that do not keep the code base clean is irresponsible and unprofessional because essentially you are making your product owner pay for the irresponsibility when he has to pay more to add features in the future at a greater cost.

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